Risk Management
Risk Management Insurance Options Provided By Ashmead Insurance Associates:
Ashmead Insurance Associates believes that the most important reason for choosing an insurance consultant should be the level of service expected from that firm. Our agency has been providing unique services that are particularly important to our clients.
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Risk Management Services
We would like to highlight some of the more important services available through Ashmead Insurance Associates and the benefits that you would receive from them
Risk Management Study
We provide a detailed written analysis of a client’s operations, identifying hazards that are peculiar to that industry or to that particular firm. We then point out to you areas where your current insurance program may fail to protect your business, and make recommendations on ways to correct these deficiencies.
Benefit: You will have a clearer understanding of your insurance program.
Extensive Underwriting Information
Rather than present a few pages of standard applications to an insurance company, we take the time to develop a unique approach to “selling” your account to an insurance company underwriter. We feel strongly that the more information that we provide to the insurance company the less will be the chance of a misunderstanding at a later date.
Benefit: You can participate in developing an insurance program with which you are the most comfortable and that fits your Risk Management strategy.
Claim Services
We have a fully staffed Claims Department that not only reports claims to the insurance company claims adjuster, but also monitors outstanding reserves to see that everything possible is being done to protect the client’s loss experience.
Benefit: You and your staff will spend less time on claims.
Certificates of Insurance
We will prepare certificates of insurance within a 24 hour period, and can provide faster service if necessary.
Benefit: Immediate response to your customers and suppliers.
Review of Insurance Provisions in Contracts
Ashmead Insurance would like to be a part of your Risk Management team by reviewing contracts that you are required to sign. While we are not attorneys and do not offer legal opinions, we do feel that we can provide an important and unique service to our customers. We often find that our clients accept or reject bids based on a more thorough knowledge of the insurance requirements and contractual obligations that have been identified and explained by us.
We can also provide information to your staff to help them understand in “Layman’s Terms” the insurance terminology included in bid specifications and contracts.
Benefit: Your firm can successfully transfer risk to others, thus protecting your loss experience through proper use of Hold Harmless Agreements and Indemnification Clauses. Good Loss Experience results in lower Insurance Premiums which in turn increases your bottom line profits.
Certificates from Subcontractor/Suppliers
Ashmead Insurance can assist you in the implementation of a program to obtain certificates of insurance from all subcontractors and suppliers. We will provide you with a sample letter which outlines the insurance requirements to be provided by your subcontractor and suppliers.
This letter will also indicate a requirement for the subcontractor/supplier to add you as an Additional Insured onto their policy while doing work for you.
Benefit: Risk Transfer protects your Loss Experience which in turn reduces your Insurance Costs. Result – increase in bottom line profits.
Coordination and Implementation of Loss Prevention Services
Ashmead Insurance coordinates loss prevention services, utilizing our in-house loss control consultant, where appropriate, to assist those loss control services which are provided by the insurance company writing the coverages. We can also assist our customers in the implementation of a Loss Control/Safety Program.
Benefit: You may take advantage of our expertise in working with other professional providers including setting up a panel of doctors, establishing a safety committee, early return to work programs, light duty positions, and other ways that will help you reduce insurance costs and provide a higher level of safety for your employees. Result – Lower insurance costs and increase in profit.
Review of Workers Compensation Experience Modification
Ashmead Insurance reviews the data involved with the publication of our insured’s Workers Compensation Experience Modification. This entails a comparison of losses and payrolls reported to state insurance departments with our records.
Benefit: Your Experience Modification Factor may have been based on incorrect information reported to the Workers’ Compensation Bureau. Results – Lower Experience Modification Factor and lower premiums.
The Ashmead Insurance Prepared Claim Forms
Ashmead Insurance can provide pre-printed claim forms for your ease in submitting Automobile, General Liability, Workers’ compensation and Property claims.
Benefit: Pre-printed claim forms minimize the time that your staff spends on typing and paperwork and also ensures that all basic policy information is correct.
Claim Review Meetings
Ashmead Insurance can coordinate a review on an interim basis of all claims including the amount paid and the amount of any reserve.
Benefit: To keep our client informed.
Motor Vehicle Reports Program
If desired, Ashmead Insurance will assist you in setting up a Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) Program through an independent service bureau which can be accessed directly from your offices. The objective of this MVR Program is to screen the driving records of prospective employees that will be operating either your company’s vehicles or their own vehicles in the course of conducting your business.
This procedure can also be used to randomly check the driving records of existing employees on a periodic basis.
Benefit: Avoid losses resulting from poor drivers – Improved claims history leads to lower premiums, which in turn increase profits.
Projected Workers Compensation Experience Modification Calculation
Using available payroll and loss information, Ashmead Insurance projects Experience Modifications using computerized models of various states’ experience modification rating formulas. Designed to assist you in forecasting your Workers Compensation costs, this analysis can be utilized to evaluate the effects of changes in losses, payrolls, rates, etc. on your Experience Modification.
We have the technical ability to interpret these formulas and are able to project and estimate this important calculation.
Benefit: Our clients have found this service to be very helpful in preparing budgets and in anticipating the impact of these insurance costs in bidding situations.
Marketing at Renewal Time
Ashmead Insurance works well in advance of renewal dates to market your insurance program to obtain the best terms, conditions and pricing. We normally meet with our customers approximately 90 days prior to expiration to discuss renewal strategy.
Benefit: You will be able to anticipate renewal premiums, conditions, etc., well in advance of your actual expiration dates, allowing you to focus on non insurance matters.